04 November 2009
Jacob's Birthday
28 October 2009
27 Oct 09
You know I think there’s been a few emails that say..."I’ll let Mallory tell you about that" or "That's Richy's story to tell." Ok. That's cool but... I'm not getting anything from them. But hey, if they are doing homework or reading their scriptures rather than writing me that's ok.
Alright, very exciting to hear CV's killer (marching band) season. Can't wait to hear about how they do against the top dogs in the Northwest this weekend. Oh so exciting.
You know I read the most amazing story on prayer in the Old Testament. Genesis 24. Pretty amazing if you ask me. Look at the servant of Abraham and how he praises God in this chapter. I think it's a very good example of giving thanks through our prayers.
Anyway, thanks again for all the prayer, and loves from y'all.
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
26 October 2009
21 Oct 09
"Congrats on the job! I'm excited to make more trips to Hawaii. It's a big thing in this mission. Missionaries play ukuleles and do Tongan dances a lot here. It's pretty cool.
Man! CV is tearing it up (Marching Band)! Yes that's what I like to here! WHOOT! Go Richy Rich.
We have a baptism this week. Yet another 18 year. His name is Jeff Simms. Don't think you could possibly get me the memory card by this Sat. So I can get pictures. It's ok if you don't. No big deal. (We found one on sale at Fred Myer's and FedEx'd him a new card. Zeke chomped on the one he mailed us and we are seeing if we can get anything off of it....YIKES!!)
The Avachucos are coming and taking Elder Davenport and I to dinner on my Birthday. They are such great people.
We had an excellent Zone Conference yesterday. Can I issue a challenge for my family? Next time you have the missionaries over ask them about role play. We do it all the time every week in district meeting. Ask them if you could do a role play on sharing the gospel with some of your friends. So think of someone you could talk to about the church and ask the missionaries to help you in inviting them to come unto Christ. The work we do as missionaries is finding. Teaching and Baptizing is just a side effect of finding. So the real work is finding. Will you do that? I know that when you do, the Lord will bless the lives of those you speak to as well as your own.
Anyway, That's all I got. Oh yeah Nastia Liukin’s (US gymnast) birthday is coming up. Oh Wait it's my birthday too!!!
Luv ya,
and a letter for mom:
"Hey yesterday was Zone Conference so today is P-day
I'm glad you enjoyed getting my letter and it's totally fine that my card was lost. I have a new plan. So Elder Davenport got a CD from a couple friends at home and they recorded their letter on it. And we listened to it in the car. So I thought of a better idea. I got this 1 GB mp3 player that has voice recording and plugs right into the computer. I'll record a "letter" and send it to you. You can plug it into your computer take the files off, listen to them and record your own letter. You can have friends or/and family record things and then you can send it off to me. Every time I do email I can take the files off (after I listen to them.) and record my responses and send them off again. You would have to remember to take the files off every time though. So it would take less time then writing a letter and people could say whats going on instead of taking time out of there day to write a letter. But of course this doesn't mean you can't send me letters on paper. ( sounds complicated to me....)
You know I think you should take the kids to Huhut! By the way (trunky comment) when I get back that's the first place we're going. They don't have one here! (celebration dinner for Mike getting a new job!)
My study lately has been the Old Testament. Manly Genesis. There are some awesome stories in Genesis. Some messed up ones too. But there is a book I want to read that one of our Ward Mission Leaders has. It's called Life Everlasting. Amazing book. Talks about the Spirit world and visions prophets have had. The stories that he was telling me just strangthend my testimony. My main study that I'm trying to understand is Jacobs Ladder in Genesis 26 I think. I got some of it but I can't figure out what the rest of it means.
Love you too!
He sounds good, doesn't he? We were just talking tonight about how it's been 7 months, but seems like a year......love and miss him. Thanks for keeping interested in what he is doing. Love, Jenn =)
14 October 2009
13 Oct 09
But, man... you should see some of these houses up here. They are absolutely beautiful!! We ate dinner at a member’s house, or should I say mansion, and it was so awesome! I met the founder of Cold Stone the other day. Yep Cold Stone ice cream. He's a member of the church. He's in one of our wards. Donny Sutherland. We're teaching his Mom and sister who both have baptismal dates for later this month.
I got to go to a baptism of one of the people I was teaching in my last area. Elder H and I were the first missionaries to teach him. He is great. We watched him change his life around in 3 whole months. He stopped smoking in 4 days. 4!! He is a man of very few words but when he speaks he says the right words. He is also a very.... large... man. (he took up 3 chairs) It took 2 very tall very buff men to baptize him. His jump suit wouldn't even zip up all the way. They had to angle him diagonally to get him under the water. It took a while to get him positioned with some verbal help and opinions from the congregation and it was the first baptism I've been to where everyone clapped once the ordinance was preformed. It was great. We brought and Investigator named T from our area who has a baptismal date too and she loved it and can't wait to be baptized.
So, yeah, T. Remember Donny Sutherland, the founder of Cold Stone? His daughter was sent to prison for DUI where a fatality was involved (which is a entirely different story and a blessing in itself that she got 4 years instead of life). She met T in prison and they became great friends. T's time was up and she had absolutely nothing and no one to go back to. She went to church in prison and basically told God that she was putting her life in his hands and directly after that service the daughter came to her and said "My mom is going to pick you up." And she did. They gave her an apartment to live in and bought her groceries. It was truly a miracle. And that was 3 weeks ago. The Sutherland's are a great family. Almost all our work in that ward is thanks to them.
Heck. Yes! Way to live up to the Central Valley Bears Awesome Title!! I can't wait to hear about next week’s (marching band) results. I want to know how Evergreen is doing this year. Do we have a chance to beat them?
That is so awesome Elder Bednar is coming to our Stake Center! I want you to tell me all about it. You got it?
There’s a less active member who goes scuba diving in the Salt River and picks up thousands of sunglasses that people drop in there when they go on float trips and he gave me these $125 sunglasses that are awesome except I can't wear them because I don't have contacts soooo... some contacts would be a nice birthday present if possible. And it's not that I want them just for the sunglasses, its because it's Arizona and my eyes are dying and shriveling up from the sun.
So yeah, the work here is great. Amazing members here, really awesome. And I can't wait for the progress to explode in this area.
Love Jacob
Jacob's birthday is on the 30th, right before Halloween, so if you want to send him Birthday wishes, get them ready. Love, Jenn =)
06 October 2009
06 Oct 09
Dad, have you been to the Phoenix airport before? Did you ever make it outside? Oh wait it was only 87 degrees yesterday so...
Well that’s awesome that CV made second. So they didn't get to play in Finals? Since when does the rain stop CV?
Ah, General Conference. Sooooooooooooo good. My favorite talk is probably Elder Bednar’s talk on hypocrisy and Elder Holland’s talk on the Book of Mormon. He looked torqued during that one. And President Monson’s on service. It was a great Conference.
Elder Erickson went home today. He is my idle. I know, I know the 2nd commandment. But he was amazing.
I'll send my video card home tomorrow with all my pictures and videos.
Birthday presents. My light board would be really nice. The Avichucos are getting me a pocket watch. My Zune has been acting up lately but it still works fine. It's not necessary for my salvation. As I think of them I'll write them down and let you know next week.
I love you all and look forward to talking with you next week.
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
He sounds so up beat today! Makes my heart sing.....Love, Jenn =)
29 September 2009
28 Sept 09
We're having our Zone Development Meeting tomorrow and it will take all day so we moved p day to today.
The Avichuco's baptism went awesome! Many members of the ward showed up and so did all of the Avichuco's kids and grandkids. I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost which I guess was amazing. I shared the scripture in Mosiah 18: 30 which talks about how beautiful were they who came to the knowledge of their Redeemer. How truly beautiful were the Avichuco’s dressed in their white clothes holding hands and smiling at each other because they came to the knowledge of their Redeemer. I can't wait for the day when they’re Sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. Afterwards we went to their house for a party and their kids were asking questions about marriage and baptism. We are hoping to teach some of them so they can teach their kids as well.
That was the high part of this week. We really have been struggling as a companionship this week following our schedule. ......And yet the Lord is blessing us with awesome investigators and members. I seriously don't feel worthy of these blessings.
Anyway, sorry for the short letter. Talk to you next week where we'll find out transfer news.
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
23 September 2009
22 Sept 09
Shut up! Bryson (Toth) is NOT home yet! It has not been 2 years! Really? Wow, well I've been telling people at dinner appointments now that I've been out about 6 months, so I guess time doesn't matter when your not on other peoples time.
You know, I would love to hear a little about what went on with Mal. Dose Mom have a side of the story too? What about that conversion story of hers? And as much as I know that my family has lives of their own, remember that a missionaries life isn't as exciting (in their respective lifestyles) and gets pretty exciting when we open a mailbox and see MAIL! Not just adds and wedding announcements galor! Seriously! Send me something! I don't care if it's a package or a Christmas card! It might just be me and my lack of missionary experience, but hey, give me a break!
You know I'm not mad. I'm just trying to be funny. (Hey, I think I'm funny.)
So we have the Avichucos getting baptized this week. Soooooo AWESOME! This will be the first baptism were I've taught them from start to finish. Man, they’re amazing people. I've watched them learn and grow. Give up tea and coffee, hopefully we can work on their kids soon. But we are so excited for them. I'll make sure you get the chance to meet them when you come down.
Lisa is moved and doing great. She confessed to us that she has broken the Word of Wisdom and a few other commandments that she is continuing to battle with Satan with, but her spirits are up and she knows that she can overcome these vices. I don't think I'll see her baptized. Maybe if I get transferred to a close area. But she has told me that when she does get baptized she wants me to do it.
More and more blessings flow from doing the best we can. My bike gears were busted the other day and one of our investigators who lives in a half-way-house says he could fix our bikes free of charge if we ever get in a jam. He use to work on bikes when he was a kid and, man, does he know how to work on bikes. I took my bike to him and he looks at it and says "hey, you can barrow my bike for the week because this thing is messed up. It will be a while before I can fix it." So he lets me ride his bike. Wow! I tell you this bike is nice! You know the saying that a mechanics car is the best car? Well there you go. Anyway, he comes up to me on Sunday. John is his name. He says “hey come by my place after church I have something for you." I'm thinking man, it's only been 2 days and he's got my bike all ready for me. We go over to see him. He reaches into his pocket hands me the keys to the lock on HIS bike and says "Congratulations you have a new bike." He gave me his bike! He told me that my bike was so bad he didn't even bother finding parts for it. He would have had to replace every screw, nut, bolt, and part to get my bike working right. So basically he had to replace the whole thing, and he did!
Now John’s situation is pretty difficult. This is a man who was converted to the church IN prison. He is on parole till next September. Which means he has to get First Presidency approval for baptism. And President Bassett has agreed to interview him this Saturday to send off the letter. John is the strongest investigator I have ever met. He donated his bike to the Lord, for Heaven sakes. I'm so excited for him.
Sorry but I've got to go preach the word unto the Gentiles. Talk to you next week.
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
Yes, the family needs to repent. We think since Mike is writing every week that there is nothing more to say. He just wants stuff in his mailbox, so we are repenting and going to do better for him. I get bogged down and all of a sudden its next Tuesday again. I'm going to put it up there on the things to do list and see if I can get more down to him. Thanks for reading and supporting Jacob. Love, Jenn =)
16 September 2009
Letter 15 Sept 09
10 September 2009
Letter from 08 Sept 09
Elder and Sister Morgan
Elder Ward
I really haven't received much snail mail lately. Yesterday was Labor Day and in talking to the Bishop of one of my wards and I said "Yeah, today’s Memorial Day and everyone is closed which is not good for our investigators looking for jobs." He says, "Elder, it’s Labor Day today not Memorial Day." So I said, "Hey, all I know is that the mail doesn't come today!" So please by all means send me whatever you like. It might take a while for it to get to me if you send it through the Mission Home.
Speaking of homes, the Harris's (the members we are staying with) are kicking us out soon. So we are going to be homeless.... just kidding. The Stake is looking for a new place as we.... type. So don't send me anything to (I removed the address, Mission Home address on the right) anymore 'cause chances are I won’t get it.
Well, James I hope you know what you're getting into here. Mallory is a very... um... smart... girl who knows what she wants... I think...right? Good luck James and I can't wait to beat you... I mean MEET...meet you. :-) (James is Mallory's current boyfriend)
Ah... yes. Labor Day at Comstock Park listening to the symphony... Good times. What was on the program this year, 18 something overture? Star Wars Theme?
You know, I don't expect anything from you for my birthday... except maybe some cookies, cards, pictures, drawing paper, maybe my light board, um... oh yeah, and quite possibly a battery operated turtle neck sweater. Other than that I don't expect you to waste any money on postage. Thanks. (Jacob's irthday is 30 Oct)
But seriously, the work is great. We had a guy named Tim whom we've been working with for a while come up to us at church yesterday and say, "I have some news for you... I want to be baptized." This is a guy who called himself an atheist just because he thought all other churches were con artists. His family was raised as gypsies in Europe and he didn't believe in any of it because the spells they would cast wouldn't do anything. Sounds good to me! He's set for the 10th of October. We haven't taught him the Word of Wisdom yet and he has a heavy smoking problem so we'll see how it goes. But Woooo Hoooo!
Lisa is still working on finding a job and moving and we're still working with her.
Last week I didn't mean for it to sound like Elder T and I didn’t get along. We do. We actually get along very well. And I have learned a lot from him in the past 2 weeks. He is a great missionary and I look forward to seeing this transfer through with him.
Thanks for your prayers. Sometimes I feel like I'll fall of my bike with the weight of all the prayers. Sorry I can't respond to all of you but I enjoy hearing from you all. Onverd, Men! Onverd!
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
02 September 2009
02 Sept 09
"Elder T is a great missionary. He goes home in December and wants to see if he can extend his mission longer. But I don't think he will. His girlfriend back home was baptized while he was on his mission and if basically reserving the temple for them when he gets home. And he has no problem with letting everyone he meets know about it.
As far as him performing as a companion to Elder Morgan...he's definitely not Elder Hoopes. Don't get me wrong he is a great missionary and it's not that I didn't see this coming when I get new companions, but I have had a few struggles this week with Elder T, and it's not him it's me. He is lots more experienced with this missionary thing then I am and is basically by the book. I've learned a lot from him this week and in turn he has also learned a lot from me. But...there are some things that I feel, as a missionary, he does that I don't agree with. (Now I'm not talking bad about my companion, I'm asking for help on how to deal with this) For instance, Elder Hoopes and I added a step in our planning guideline and has been very effective in our planning sessions. Elder T protests against it and turns to the original planning guide lines in Preach My Gospel saying "I know this is ordained of God." Well, aren't we as missionaries ordained of God to work and preside over the area that is given to us? Don't we have the authority to adapt and improve, as long as it is wisdom in God, to the circumstances to produce a better outcome in His work? Like I said he is a fantastic missionary and I have enjoyed serving with him but there are plenty more things that I don't have time to get into now that have troubled my mind as it relates to our callings as missionaries, that he does.
Anyway, sorry, I've been studying and pondering and praying to the Lord on asking him what is to be done and I feel I need a little council from My father and Mission President. I know it's not much and it's a little thing, but I understood what Elder Hoopes was telling me what’s right and what’s wrong and I accepted his council on becoming a Missionary of God and vice versa. But Elder T seems to shun my feedback on him just because I've only been out 5 months and he's been out 20. Any advice?
Talk to you next week
Mike's response:
"It sounds to me like your already taking the right steps by pondering and praying about how best to proceed, but I am glad to give you my thoughts and advice. Even though all missionaries can be productive and strong servants of the Lord, we all have different strengths, talents and abilities. Elder Hoopes was likely selected to be a trainer because he had strong "people" skills, empathy, patience and what is needed for helping new missionaries. These and other qualities are necessary in 1st companions for the new guys coming out of the MTC, so they'll be able to get off to a good start and not hate it and want to go home. We are all individuals and the Lord has given us different gifts and knows what we need to go through to best shape and prepare us for use in His work. Remember what the Lord told the Prophet Joseph while in the Liberty jail, "...know though, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good." (D&C 122:7). It's the big picture that's important to keep in mind, and how in the long run this will be valuable time spent even though it may be difficult now. If you haven't already done so, read through that document Pruning Season that I sent yesterday, it may not be coincidence that I felt I should send that to you at this particular time.
Even though you feel you may have worked better within Elder Hoopes style and framework, see if you can identify Elder T's strong points, and positive attributes and learn from these as well. This will be a short companionship and can be excellent experience for you, if you can keep things in the proper perspective and not let contention creep in because you feel you need to be right. Speak your mind, but respect his experience and opinion. Reality is that he is senior and that you are still just getting started. He's at the end of his mission and is likely pretty set in his ways in how he'll finish. You are fresh and still developing the kind of missionary that you will be. You'll have your chance to be senior and lead your companionships how you feel is best. What kind of senior companion, trainer, district and zone leader will you be? This is what you can work on during this time with Elder T, so you'll be prepared for whatever the Lord has next for you.
My best advice is to refer you to what your mom's advice has been, to "serve your companion". That's easy to do when you get along and are close friends, but now is the time you really need to follow this advice. When it's not easy to do and you still do it, you and your companionship will really be blessed and you will learn how to develop humility and charity, which is something we all need a refresher course on from time to time, and you'll need in great abundance throughout the rest of your life.
You're constantly in my thoughts and prayers,
I think the newness has worn off and as companions change, there are new challenges and struggles. He will find his way and come out on top. I have learned that also recently, even though I have struggled and cried over certain situations, I have grown from the struggle and having to pour my heart out to the Lord for understanding. It is a great blessing to have problems, because it's how you handle it and learn from them that you recieve the greatest. Thanks for reading, Love, Jenn =)
26 August 2009
25 Aug 09
"Well transfer news came and Elder Hoopes got the boot and is now up in Snowflake. So he'll get the worst of both seasons. My new companions name is Elder Tackett. He's from Yorktown Virginia and is going home in 4 months. You know Elder Gilbert my MTC companion? He's training this transfer, crazy huh? But yeah Elder Tackett is great.
So Mallory is whipping into shape the U-high kids huh? They need it. Her and Brandon are the best for the job. I'm so glad Richy is loving band but what's this about him wanting to play contra? Sorry but all I can see in my head is the tuba and Richy flat as a pancake underneath. What are the shows like?
It was sad to see Elder Hoopes go, but it's nice to see a change of scenery and get to know a new companion. I love this gospel and can't wait for the Avichucos to be baptized. They are such an amazing family. I'm so glad I've been here this long to see them grow and learn in the gospel.
Talk to you next week.
This is the first letter he signed Jacob, instead of Elder Jacob Frank Morgan. He's quite the guy. We have been so blessed by his service. Thanks for reading, Love, Jenn =)
18 August 2009
Letter 18 Aug 09
...Transfers are coming up again and it’s very possible that I or Elder Hoopes could get the boot from this area, or both of us. I don't want to go. I want to see Lisa and a few others get baptized before I skidattel. If I do go I hope I get on a reservation or something where I have a car and not living with members.
I haven't gotten a conversion story from mom yet, did I forget to ask last week? (Shame on me....things have been crazy here, getting everyone ready for school, piano, but I did get cookies sent!) Oh... the last batch of cookies didn't make it in one piece. They were very "crummy" but still good, we ate them all. By the way on page 42 of the Missionary Handbook or "Blessing book" I like to call it, says not to chew gum in public so I just don't chew gum at all. Just a heads up for the next package, but thanks anyway. But if you do send some, make it Stride instead of Orbit. ;-)
I'm glad to hear that your getting 90 degree weather again. I was riding one night down a street at about 8 o’clock and I was cold! Guess what temp it was.......... 93 degrees! My goodness!
Anywho, ttfn (ta ta for now), says Bro. Waters a British guy who drives us around all the time on P day. Oh, and “Mind the Gap”. (I looked it up on Wikipedia, lol)
Elder Morgan"
11 August 2009
Today's Letter 08-11-09
"Hey we have a zone activity today so we're doing emails early today. I got a flat tire Sunday night so I went and bought a no flats tube for my tire yesterday. That was the 20$ purchase just to let you know. Our Zone Activity is a slip and slide at a member’s house who has a huge tarp and is feeding us lunch as well. And we wanted to go to the temple today too so we woke up at 4:45 this morning to make the 5:30 session. I was surprised at how many people were there. I love going to the temple it give me a chance to re-evaluate myself on how I'm doing. There’s still a lot of things I need to work on and a lot of things I need to let go.
Lisa update: She got back from the hospital Sunday night we stopped by Tuesday and set up an appointment with the Bishop. We were there with her as she talked to the bishop and scheduled to have her baptism Interview the next night. We had the bishop pick her up and bring her to the interview. Before the interview we watched a video called Together Forever. It's my favorite Church video that we missionaries give out. It talked about families and how Christ made it possible for us to be together forever. When it was done the spirit was so strong I was shaking. Lisa was crying when she went into the interview. She passed and is getting baptized this Saturday at 8pm. The bishop is baptizing her and I'm confirming her on Sunday. It will be the first confirmation that I've done. I'm honored to give Lisa the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Another investigator named Amber had her interview Saturday as well. We had her date set for this Saturday, but she feels it’s too soon, which is kinda weird to have an investigator in limbo. She understands that this is an important decision she's making in her life that will affect her 2 and 1 year old kids. It’s good that she realizes that but she's thinking about setting the date for November. We don't want her to become another Miles but... We're still working with her. No word on Miles. He met with the bishop on Sunday and we haven't heard anything yet.
Mom I forgot to ask you last week but what’s your conversion story? I can't remember it. I gave a talk in district meeting last week on personal conversion and I was thinking about you. You don't have to do a biography on it but as a missionary I want to know.
That’s all the exciting stuff, let you know next week what’s going on.
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
05 August 2009
04 Aug 09
"I'm getting a new camel back tomorrow from a guy who gives discounts to missionaries. The nozzle on the camel back I have leaks and they don't sell any replaceable ones for the one I have. I'm saving $15 by getting one through this guy.
Lisa update: She made it safely through her depression last week and we set the Baptismal Interview for last Saturday. We stopped by an hour before to see if she was still good for that interview (in the apartment where she lives anything can happen) She said yes and that she was having a really bad day, and she really was.........Thank you for thinking of her. She needs all the power she can get to endure to the end.....................Onward, ever onward and Harrah for Israel (line from the Elder Groberg movie “The Other Side of Heaven”/Mike comment. And I have written that in letters to him/Jenn's comment).
The scriptures D&C 117:8 and Abraham 3:16-19 have been on my mind lately about what matters most for people. In the case of 2 souls, one soul being higher and more intelligent than the other, do we compare ourselves to them? We should not look to be closer to the souls that are higher and more intelligent than us. Look to be closer to God who is the highest most intelligent of them all. I've decided I want eternal life (go ahead and read that again…I did/Mike comment again). We are told to be selfless. Then we are told to get ourselves to the Celestial kingdom first, then get our families there, then everyone else. We are told to be selfless so we can receive blessings. All Lisa wants is to go to church with her kids and be happy with them.
That is selfless.
I love and pray for you all and your future blessings.
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan"
Who talks like this but Missionaries???? He is just fine. Thanks for keeping up, Love, Jenn =)
01 August 2009
Hello Families -
My name is Betsey Lee and my husband is Ammon Lee. We have really enjoyed getting to know your boys. We love the spirit they bring into our home. Our two little girls (5 and 2) thinks it's so cool to have the Elders over. I can remember how my mom felt getting a letter or note from families in the mission so I didn't want to pass up this opportunity. Ammon just said to me, "I just love having them over and teaching with them." I want my kids to know and remember us always having the missionaries in our home.
Hoping to be worthy to be a mother of a Missionary one day,
Betsey Lee
We area trying to get brownies/Mal's cookies out to him, and we are thinking of a new fingerprint cartoon to send him. I am so greatful to families in Mesa that look out for and take extra care of the boys. I try to feed our missionaries more often because I know someone is taking care of mine! Thanks for reading! Love, Jenn
31 July 2009
Tues, 28 Jul 09
Tomorrow we're going on splits with the Zone Leaders. I'm pretty excited 'cause I'm going with Elder Page. He is so cool. I'll get pictures of us to send home. Zone Conference is this week and I haven't seen a package from home on our porch yet so hopefully I'll see one at Zone Conference. But if you haven't sent one yet that’s ok. Elder Hoopes gets packages from his mom every 2 weeks that has a news letter about all the missionaries from his home town and what’s going on with them. His Sister went to France and sent him a beret which I wore golfing. He also gets cookies from his sister which are pretty good but I'm sure Mallory’s are better. Not to say that mom should get together a news letter and sugerie goodies and send it in a cardboard box. I'm looking forward to seeing the next installment in the Fingerpainting Missionary Stories. (We were told after he some time in May that he didn't want any treats, misses them now I think! I'm baking tomorrow before it gets too hot.)
Wondering about Lisa. I wish I could say she is doing great...But she is very bipolar. She was very depressed this weekend wallowing about how she is such a bad mother and how she needs to get out of those apartments she's in. They are not good apartments, lots of drugs involved in that place. She was saying how if it weren’t for the motivation of having her kids back she would have committed suicide which kind of scared us. We thought we saw her last night with the "drugies" and we knocked on her door today and one of them answered (A guy we've been trying to meet with) and said she was at work, which is good 'cause she needs to work to get out of there. She knows what’s right and wrong. Thanks for the scripture dad. Next time we meet with her we will defiantly share that with her. Pray for her. She really is a good woman. She’s just like the rest of us.
Don't worry about making me trunky (We told him that his gramma & grampa’s release date from their mission was on his birthday). I didn't even know what that was until I met Elder Brumwell who was the most trunky missionary I've met. He's been home for about 2 months now but, I consider trunky to be shoving things in missionaries faces like "I have less weeks then you have years" or "How far away do you think that plane is up there?” “I don’t know maybe 2 miles?” “ Nope, 2 Months baby!" That’s what I call trunky. But talking about stuff you’re going to do after your mission I don't consider trunky. We talk about that all the time.
Any way time is short and Elder Hoopes wants to play B ball today. Talk to you next week. THE GOSPELS TRUE!!! Elder Morgan
21 July 2009
21 July 09
(Random photo from his card taken in April)
This morning we had a breakfast at Stake President David Palmers house and Ty came along with a few priests in the stake and President Palmer stressed the importance of a mission. It was wonderful and I'm full. Sister Palmer makes the best buttermilk syrup I've ever had!
Yes it's been extremely hot this week we got to 119 degrees. SO HOT!! But I had my first couple Monsoons this week and one dust storm. That was cool. When the dust storm came it was like a wall of sand coming at us. We watched the sun slowly disappear behind it as we took cover in an investigators house. The Monsoon last night was cool, until the lightning strikes right outside our house woke us up at 4am and kept us up till our alarms went off. INSANITY!! But the good news is the temperature this morning was 84 degrees. Perfect for golfing! Elder Hoopes and I called the Zone leaders yesterday and asked if they wanted to go golfing. They said I don't think we have the money. We said they let missionaries golf for free. They said “Hey Elders let’s go golfing”. So we're going golfing.
We had a lesson with Lisa Sunday night. We went in there having no idea what we were going to teach her cause we'd taught her all the lessons. So I had this thought. She's had about 3 or 4 set baptism dates and all of them fell through so I felt like we should teach a lesson on baptism and stress the importance of this covenant. We shared 3 Nephi 11 where the Nephites cry Hosanna to Jesus or Save Us Now! And what does he do? He calls Nephi forward and gives him the authority to Baptize. We said “Lisa, you need to be baptized.” And she said “I know, no more screw-ups this time. I'll try my hardest to keep the Word of Wisdom, read my scriptures read the Ensign, say my prayers” and all this stuff is basically what she committed herself to. Elder Hoopes gave her my favorite talk in April General Conference that Elder Holland gave about being alone. ( None Were with Him ) And she read the whole thing. This woman is awesome. If she keeps her commitment to be baptized on the 8th of August, she will be my first baptism where we taught her from the beginning. You can do it Lisa!......
(Random photo, thought it might go with the "sand storm" story!)
13 July 2009
21 June 2009
Letter 6 May 09
Jacob and his MTC companion, Elder Gilbert from Idaho Falls, ID.
Spring in Provo. (Dad, he has some spactacular pictures, I will get my favs posted as I get there)
Love to all, Jenn =)
16 June 2009
Letter to Mallory
The next letter we received was to Mallory, here is a funny story he shared with her:
"The hardest thing especially her in 90 degree weather is not to look at girls. Elder Hoopes and I were trying to meet our goal for street contacts last night, and were riding our bikes home in the dark and see a person walking down the street towards us. I say, "OK, I got this one, Elder Hoopes." So, I vear closer and say hello and the person responds in a very feminine voice. It's dark so I take a close look and spot the hourglass shape and other common female characteristics in a very tight jogging outfit. I let off the brake and peddle faster.
Elder Hoopes yells, "What happened?"
"Did you not see that girl?"
"Oh, it was a girl?"
"Well, it definitely wasn't a guy!"
It's kinda weird for 2 missionaries to come up to a girl our age at might and ask if we could come and visit them at their home some time."
Good Missionary! Love, Jenn =)
28 April 2009
From a Stake President
We received this email today, I'm so grateful to this Stake President and his wife to think of the families. I inserted the pictures in places where the text supported the picture, this just made me smile!
"Dear Parents of the elder serving in the Maricopa North Stake,
This past Sat. Kathy and I had your sons over for breakfast so that we could get to know the elders serving in our stake. When the other members in the stake presidency heard what we were doing they all wanted to come also. So my good councilors, clerk, and exc. sec. were all there.
We had such a good time visiting and hearing about the missionary work in the stake. I need you to know that I felt like we were on holy ground when 9 elders were all in our house. Knowing that they are giving 2 years to the Lord makes one humble when you are around them.
President Palmer Maricopa North Stake.
Dear Parents, I just needed to let you know that President Palmer and I had your wonderful sons in our home for breakfast last Sat. morning. What a joy they all are. They are working hard, obeying the rules, and have a wonderful spirit with them. It is fun to see their personalities come out when they are together.
Love, Sister Palmer"
I loved the part where Sis. Palmer talked about their personalities and then I added their silly picture! Love, Jenn =)
ps - I got this picture from the Stake Clerk about 15 minutes after I posted so I quick added it. We love that look on Jacob's face and had just talked about it tonight at the dinner table. hehe
Monday's E-mail
"So I'm here in Arizona, it reminds me of Hawaii a lot because of the smell of sunscreen and all the palm trees. They definitely don't have cactus in Hawaii, it's still pretty cool. Cool as in awesome, not cold. My new companion is Elder Hoopes from Boise. He's been out for 7 1/2 months. He's awesome.
We are staying with a couple named the Hareses. Nicest people in the world! They have a 3 legged dog, she's little and cute. Her hopping around makes her even more cute. I'll try to get a video of her but she's afraid of cameras. I'm using Sister Hareses bike to ride around and on my second day was chased by my first dog! I was so excited! But anyway, P day's are now Monday's. Today we went to Walmart and spent a lot of time there. We looked at bikes and found one thats about $120. But Elder Hoopes called a Bishop that owns a bike shop to see if we can't get me a cheaper one.
I had my first Baptism this week. Debbie Dean. She's a wonderful lady and has a very funny redneck husband. We've made visits to a guy named David who is very strong in the church and wants to set up a baptismal date. There's a guy named Arturo who is very lonely and calls us alot just to talk but he really likes having us over. He likes to play Pokemon cards alot and Elder Hoopes had his mom send us his cards. So if it's not too much trouble do you think you could send me my Pokemon and Yu gi oh cards so we could visit him more and teach him. I'll send them right back once I get transferred.
No life changing experiences yet but I'm keeping my ears open for the Spirit. Thank you for all your love. Looking forward to hearing about your job hunting, dad. I know the Lord will bless you. He blessed me with parents who love the Lord and taught me well in proper worship. Love you all!
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
Great to see him happy and excited! I think getting chased a dog is hilarious! Love, Jenn =)
25 April 2009
Arrival Letter
Here is part of President Bassett's letter:
"Enclosed is a picture of your son on the day of his arrival. We hope that you can see that he will be surrounded by those who will love him.
The Arizona Mesa Mission is a wonderful place to serve as a missionary. We are among strong and supportive members, we have two temples, a visitor's center ad many opportunities to teach the gospel. As you missionary serves diligently the Lord has promised, "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up. (D&C 84:88)
May the Lord bless you and your family for Elder Morgan's faithful service to the Lord."

He is there officially a week! He is always in our prayers. I noticed he has a new haircut and tie, that must have been one of the MTC purchases. Love, Jenn =)
21 April 2009
On to Arizona!
"So guess who is one of the teachers here, remember Elder Shelton? yep. He's teaching here! Today I went into his class and shared my testimony of having a member present during lessons since I went out with him a lot. I'm going to try and get a picture with him and me. (which he did)
Another one of the teachers is rumored to be one of the 3 Nephites. I know it sounds crazy, but you start to be amazed when he talks. He's really young and got off his mission about 4 years ago. But we set up teaching appointments with him and walk away with our mouths agape. (lol, I had to chuckle and smile...it's a joke)
P-days (Preparation Day - for laundry, cleaning, service, letter writing, personal stuff) are our days to go to the temple. On Sunday, Elder Caywood and I took a whole bunch of pictures of the temple. I'll send copies to you, some of them are pretty awesome."
It was a long letter, and he shared how a member of his branch Presidency met his wife. I have shortened it. They knew each other and couldn't remember where they had met before. They dated a few days before he went out on a submarine for 6 months, then they were married. At the time of their marriage they were told that they knew each other before they came to earth and covenanted that they would be "married for time and all eternity" Jacob says, "Through this story we can all learn a lesson about our eternal purposes and why we are here......Isn't that an awesome story? Anyway, thought you'd like that. Love you!" The story took about 2 1/2 pages to write and the details are cool.
On another note, he was able to get the 4-cousin picture. I hope to see that soon. We are going to get him another memory card for his camera. Then he will mail it to us, and send the cards back and forth.
Well, now to get his bike taken care of. Another week to get new letters in the right direction. Now, that we are getting him settled with money, we can focus on Mallory graduating and Mike getting a job. Thanks for checking in and being curious. Love, Jenn =)
17 April 2009
Unexpected Guest
So it's my last week in the MTC. Elder Gilbert and I have been amazed at how fast time flies here. Sunday was Easter and we had our first sacrament meeting on account of General Conference the week before, and it was fantastic. The district that left Tuesday sang the Praise to the Man Song that I love that has the Army Helamen tune in it. I don't have that song on my zune. Do you think you could send it to me on a cd?
On Tuesday, we had our devotional and I was reading moms DearElder letter she sent me. (thanks for using that by the way) We started singing the prelude hymns and in between the first and second hymn the conductor said "Need I remind you that if an Apostle of the Lord walks into a room its appropriate for all to stand." There were whispers of speculation as we sung the last hymn and during the last verse the doors opened and everyone stood as Jeffrey R. Holland walked into the auditorium. He was amazing! His talk was my favorite talk in conference and now he's speaking to me in person! The 2nd counselor in our branch presidency served his mission with him and told stories about him. So this took special meaning to me. I'll send a copy of my notes of his talk to us later.
Running out of time. Love you all. Please stop sending me food. I've gained 10 lbs. while I've been here. I'm still grateful that you think of me...
....56 sec left. Bye
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
Isn't that awesome! Jeffery R. Holland! He is one of our favorite speakers, too. He was the President of BYU when Mike and I met and got married. Well, he is off to Arizona on Tuesday and we hope all goes well (and Mal gets a letter!) Love, Jenn =)
13 April 2009
News from the MTC
From Mike's email: "We figured out this DearElder.com, and how it works. It is run from the MTC. You can register and open an account which allows you to compose a letter on the website. They then print out the letter at the MTC and put in the missionaries mailbox. If it is submitted before noon Mountain time, it gets delivered same day. Once the missionary arrives in his mission, you can still use DearElder.com, they just print out your letter and mail it to him/her in the field. While in the MTC it's free, but they charge appropriate postage ($.42 here in the states) once the missionary gets out to his mission, which we would be paying anyway. So it's about convenience, not having to purchase supplies, go to the Post Office, etc...pretty cool, in case you didn't know."
"...My schedule is of course very busy. This was my schedule for today. 7am Referral center, 8:15 breakfast, 8:45 personal study, 9:45 companion study, 10:45 missionary directed time, 1pm lunch, 1:45 pre gym, 2:05 gym, 3pm post gym, 3:30 class time with Brother Morgan, not me, I'm Elder Morgan, 6pm dinner, 6:45 class time with Brother Winder, 9pm planning, 9:40 zone prayer, 10:15 quiet time, 10:30 lights out. Although our zone leaders were leaving tonight with about 10 others so we spent about 20 minutes taking pictures.
That was all just today. Our schedule changes throughout the week. Tomorrow Elder Gilbert and I are going to a teaching appointment in the Teaching Assessment Building. We get to go into this creepy little room with "trained investigators" and teach them the Restoration and there's this tiny little camera in the room that our teachers will be watching us through and evaluating how the investigator is feeling. Elder Gilbert is nervous but I can't wait. Out of our district of Elders, I think Elder Gilbert and I are the most prepared. There are some companionships that haven't even gone through it together.
On Friday we watched a video called the District. It's about a few real live missionaries and their day in the field. That video just made me want to get out there faster.
General Conference was amazing! I've never stayed so attentive before. I took notes like crazy. My favorite talk was Elder Holland's talk on how we can never be alone. I did fall asleep a few times but it was the kind of sleep where you can hear everything but your head can't stay up. Yep, that's the one..."
We are so glad he is happy. The letters don't come soon enough, but I can wait. After 10 hours of Conference, I too, even fell asleep once or twice, but I wasn't in my Sunday clothes. The reference to General Conference is from Elder Jeffery R. Holland's talk last Sunday. He was the President of BYU when I attended and have always loved to listen at his feet. I had hoped to post a video of the talk, but it wont be on the church website for another week. Here is a link to the text, and at the end is a short video the church put together using the last few minutes of the talk. It went well with Easter.
Love to all, and thanks for showing your support for Jacob.
Love, Jenn =)
08 April 2009
Jacob's First Letter
April 1, 2009 (first day in the MTC)
Dear Mom,
Well, this was probably the longest day of my life. After I walked through that door I probably spent the next 45 min going through hall after hall, getting packet after paper. I got my hepatitus A shot and they gave me a sucker. ;-) When I finally got to my room my companion was already there with his bed made. His name is Elder Gilbert, from Idaho Falls. He helped me bring my luggage up.
We met our room mates, Elder Peis and I can't remember the other elders name but we got to know each other while we unpacked. We then went to the cafeteria for dinner and then came back to our room to prepare for our branch orientation.
When we got there we were told how to act in the mission field: hands out of pockets, buttoning the buttons of our suits, standing when sisters enter the room. I'm sure we'll forget all this when we get to the field because I've never seen our missionaries without their hands in their pockets.
After we were told all of this we went through our schedules while we are here in the MTC. OH! MY! GOSH!! There is so much. I looked at Elder Gilbert and he has the same feelings as me. Our schedule is packed. I knew it was tight but this? You have no idea. Our zone leaders said "If you get through the first 3 days, you'll be fine."
Dad was right. The food is great. I only get 30 min to write an email once a week so I'll try to write everyone.
Elder Jacob Frank Morgan
01 April 2009
The MTC!

See all the snow we woke up to out the window?

We grabbed him some lunch at the local McDonald's, his choice and it was fun to listen to the kids laugh and joke together.











28 March 2009
Getting Set Apart

25 March 2009
MTC Website
23 March 2009
A New Experience

19 March 2009
Un-Official Farewell

15 February 2009
29 January 2009
Chapter 1: The Call
Later we called all the family we could find. With all the cell phones (this is what they were made for) we were able to catch almost everyone. We had Mike's parents (on a mission in SLC), my dad (MO), my sister with her hubby and boys (MO), my neice at college (MO), Mike's brother and his family(UT), and one of his sisters at the airport, and her hubby on another line (CO). It was quite the adventure. Isn't technology wonderful?
Jacob said, "I feel like Obama at a press conference!" It was a small media frenzy and we loved every minute of it. I will have to work on the political climate here, he's just to young. hehe
We now have so much to do. He reports to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, UT on Wed. April 1st, no joke! From there I'm not sure how long he will be there until he leaves for Mesa, but we will keep all informed of our progress, joys and sorrows. I didn't think some would want to wade through all my posts about food, pets, kids and such, waiting for a tid-bit about Jacob. So I started a blog just for him and those that want to keep up on his experiences. It is such a blessing for his departure to be during Spring Break for the kids. We are going to see if we can take the whole family now and maybe hit Conference, too. If not, we will have plenty of friends and family to visit and watch with.
Thanks for checking in. Please post comments and if you have been here, we would love to hear from you! If there is enough comments and such, I'll set up a subscription. Love, Jenn =)