21 June 2009

Letter 6 May 09

Well, I'm starting to get caught up. Hopefully now that school is out I can post portions of his letters every day until I am... We got a nice call today from the Mission President telling Mike what a great missionary Jacob is and that Mike did a great job preparing Jacob. It was the highlight of Mike's Father's Day. When I get there in the messages I will post it. We were not home from church yet, so it is on our answering machine. It's a keeper!

"Sorry about not emailing you on Monday. We had what was called Training Blitz Monday and Tuesday. That's where all the missionaries in the area get together in the Stake Center in the morning and the President and the Assistants teach us about how to improve our teaching. On top of that we have a missionary join our companionship for 2 days and coach us on our teaching. You want to know the best part? We get a car!! Even better the 3 of use got the assistants van!

Our Coach was Elder Gomez who's been out for 11 months and is from South Jordon UT. He was great. While he was with us we revisited a new investigator named Lisa. She was avoiding us for a while now but since she lost her job and feels lost altogether she gave us a call. We taught her the Restoration and committed her to read the Book of Mormon, come to church, pray about Joseph Smith, and to be Baptised! The Spirit was soo strong it was fantastic!

Thanks for sending my cards, (we sent him his YuGiOh/Pokemon cards) haven't gotten them yet. hopefully I'll get them today. Arturo was feeling really down the other day, almost to the point were he told us not to come back. He was saying that he didn't believe any more. But after we left he called us and told us he was sorry and didn't mean it. He's bi-polar and goes through depression a lot. He's studying to be a nurse and has trouble with the tests. We encourage him to read his scriptures before he studies and last night he did! He was very proud of himself for doing that. He gets lonely and calls us a lot. It feels good to go and teach him and play Pokemon with him. He really appreciates it. Some of the games get pretty intense and heated. But it's fun to be with him.
I'll be calling around 6 on Sunday. I'll get about an hour to talk to you so have everyone home."

He is talking about calling home on Mother's Day. It was great! Melany and Logan were here for most of the call. We talked for almost the full hour on speaker so all could listen and share. It was so good to hear his voice and hear his excitement and maturity. He told of a story in the MTC with his companions where one of them pretended to be blind for the new guys and some of the jokes and fun they had in the MTC. He sent his camera card home last week and I down loaded them and sent it right back. I have a few here to show you.

Jacob and his MTC companion, Elder Gilbert from Idaho Falls, ID.


Spring in Provo. (Dad, he has some spactacular pictures, I will get my favs posted as I get there)

Love to all, Jenn =)

16 June 2009

Letter to Mallory

I'm getting caught up now that school is out in 2 days. Finally! Getting caught up on the home blog too.

The next letter we received was to Mallory, here is a funny story he shared with her:

"The hardest thing especially her in 90 degree weather is not to look at girls. Elder Hoopes and I were trying to meet our goal for street contacts last night, and were riding our bikes home in the dark and see a person walking down the street towards us. I say, "OK, I got this one, Elder Hoopes." So, I vear closer and say hello and the person responds in a very feminine voice. It's dark so I take a close look and spot the hourglass shape and other common female characteristics in a very tight jogging outfit. I let off the brake and peddle faster.

Elder Hoopes yells, "What happened?"

"Did you not see that girl?"

"Oh, it was a girl?"

"Well, it definitely wasn't a guy!"

It's kinda weird for 2 missionaries to come up to a girl our age at might and ask if we could come and visit them at their home some time."

Good Missionary! Love, Jenn =)