We received this email today, I'm so grateful to this Stake President and his wife to think of the families. I inserted the pictures in places where the text supported the picture, this just made me smile!
"Dear Parents of the elder serving in the Maricopa North Stake,
This past Sat. Kathy and I had your sons over for breakfast so that we could get to know the elders serving in our stake. When the other members in the stake presidency heard what we were doing they all wanted to come also. So my good councilors, clerk, and exc. sec. were all there.
We had such a good time visiting and hearing about the missionary work in the stake. I need you to know that I felt like we were on holy ground when 9 elders were all in our house. Knowing that they are giving 2 years to the Lord makes one humble when you are around them.
President Palmer Maricopa North Stake.
Dear Parents, I just needed to let you know that President Palmer and I had your wonderful sons in our home for breakfast last Sat. morning. What a joy they all are. They are working hard, obeying the rules, and have a wonderful spirit with them. It is fun to see their personalities come out when they are together.
Love, Sister Palmer"
I loved the part where Sis. Palmer talked about their personalities and then I added their silly picture! Love, Jenn =)
ps - I got this picture from the Stake Clerk about 15 minutes after I posted so I quick added it. We love that look on Jacob's face and had just talked about it tonight at the dinner table. hehe